The human ear can discern only a very narrow band between 20 Hz to 20000 Hz.  The rest is inaudible. This is why NO cosmic sound can be heard by the human ear. These cosmic sounds were heard by 12 strand DNA maharishis in their spiritual trances which broadened...

The New You / The New Earth – Part 1

Holistic Healing  is a form of healing that considers the whole person – body, mind, spirit and emotions, in a quest for optimal  health and wellness.  To understand Healing we must understand Energy. We are coming into an age when the medical...


Acupressure is based on the same principles as Acupuncture to promote relaxation and wellness and to treat disease.Acupressure uses specific points in traditional Chinese medical theory called meridians,which are invisible channels in your Body that carry energy...

Dream Analysis

What is Dream Analysis? When people think about analyzing their dreams, they usually think of psychics with crystal balls, dream dictionaries, or lying on a couch while a Freud-like psychologist tells them precisely what their dreams are.But dream analysis is none of...


Hello brothers, sisters and friends, First of all I would like to share some important points/aspects about Reiki. Reiki is a holistic system of science. It has no religion. It is a cosmic energy coming from space to the crown chakra of every human being but no one...
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